søn. 03. sep.
Hiv-Danmark tilbyder nu igen en netværksgruppe for de mennesker, der lever med hiv, og som ikke er født i Danmark. Hvis I kender nogle, som dette kunne være relevant for, er I meget velkomne til at sprede budskabet.
Tid & Placering
03. sep. 2023, 18.00 – 21.00
København, Skindergade 21, 1159 København, Denmark
Om Arrangementet
Dear friend,
Are you living with HIV and born outside Denmark – here is a special offer for you:
Based on previous groups like “Friday Social Night” and “Meet and Greet”
Hiv-Danmark invites you to a pleasant Sunday evening in the company of other PLHIV. We intend to have these gatherings every FIRST Sunday of the month.
We serve a good meal, and the intension is to share experiences, to learn and to have a good time, which will surely improve our quality of life.
First meeting will take place
Sunday September 3rd 2023 from 6pm to 9 pm
Kafe Knud, Skindergade 21, 1159 København K.
At our first gathering, we will introduce ourselves and make a plan for this new group, so please, bring your own suggestions, ideas and visions.
Please, do spread the good news about this new group to anyone you know, who might be interested and could benefit from it.
Anders Dahl, anthropologist, formerly employed by AIDS-Fondet and with decades of experience in the HIV-field in Denmark, Africa and Asia will lead the group.
Also Gertrud Bjørning, will be present. She is a HIV activist through many years – she was diagnosed HIV positive in 1991 – and she has worked in Africa, Latin America and Asia extensively.
Please, let us know if you intend to come, in order for us to prepare enough food for all of us, by sending an e-mail to: anders@hiv-danmark.dk before August 28th.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Anders Dahl